I recently got into what I call the alternate archeology scene.


In the past Erich Von Daniken had his Chariots of the Gods book. People have long speculated about how the Egyptian pyramids were built. Nowadays the History Channel has scandalously presented pseudoscience rather than history. YouTube has videos portraying all kinds of theories about our ancient past. I used to see thumbnails for videos about the Annunaki, whatever that is. There were thumbnails for videos about giants, with photoshopped pictures, and that just screamed clickbait for gullible people. There were weird skulls.

I don't want to support clickbait pseudoscience for gullible people. We're living in an age where misinformation is a serious problem for society. I always figured there might be something to these proposed explanations for ancient mysteries, but finding out was not on my agenda.

I saw Graham Hancock and Randall Carlson, with their assertions about what happened some twelve thousand years ago, on the Joe Rogan show. That opened the floodgates.

This is mostly about stones. Stones, stones, old stones usually with no decoration. Mysterious, lost old technology. What was that lost technology? What civilisation was behind it? How did they get their knowledge? How old is this stone work?

There are huge, heavy stones, most famously the ones at Baalbek. Stone can have incredibly smooth surfaces, like the granite Barabar caves in India. Granite is extraordinarily hard. There is weird stone work in Peru, odd lumpy shapes that fit together absolutely perfectly. How did they do that? Turn it into something liquidy, then resolidify stone? No, impossible. Well, maybe. Something.

There is no doubt that the pyramids in Egypt were an amazing act of construction, with their huge scale. How did they cut blocks so precisely? How did they work with the heavy blocks of hard granite? What's with the rooms and passageways? Although pyramids are supposed to be tombs, they are clearly plain, industrial, unlike all the decoration elsewhere in ancient Egypt, and there were no saracophagi. There is a number of different theories about the pyramids, and each can have evidence marshaled to prove it. I was thinking about making a list.

It is said that erosion on the sphinx shows that it was made thousands of years earlier than than the official time frame, when the environment was different.

Can you explain to me why there are Egyptian hieroglyphs nicely carved in the rock in Australia?

With all the impressive large stone things from ancient Egypt, some of the most remarkable things are actually small stone pottery from the underground Saqqara. This is remarkably thin yet precise, while made of notably hard stone.



The mysterious, hard-to-make shist disk. This raises questions. How many disks could a shist disk shist, if a shist disk could shist disks?

There are various mathematical things going on with the Egyptian pyramids, for example pi. The metre was invented in the late 18th century, based on the size of the earth. Meanwhile it was used in the past, certainly in Peru.

There is the whole Atlantis thing, an alleged civilisation that sank beneath the waves, as related by Plato. It is freaky that the date he related matches up perfectly with the Younger Dryas climate event. There is evidence of big stone work under the waves off coasts, for example Japan. Were there civilisations there before the end of the ice age?

Some people say there were giants, which live on in legends. There were different species of humans around, until there was just us. What abilities, knowledge, technology and relationships did they have? There are weird skulls too.

Anyway it's hard for me to summarize all these mysterious stones, as well as carvings, artefacts, culture, stories, stars, maps, math in different parts of the world. Some people imaginatively weave different things together to form a story of our ancient past. It's like a world you didn't know existed.

So with all this overwhelming evidence of very old civilisations with mysterious technologies, why isn't this being taught? Mainstream archeologists suppress this knowledge. In Egypt Zahi Hawass literally keeps the sites locked up. Mainstream archeologists stubbornly maintain the orthodoxy, and ostracize those who disagree.

Let's hear from some experts.

Historian Reacts to Evidence for Ancient High Technology in Egypt

Three and a half hours. I wonder if you stayed focused through the sawing part. Here is the Scientists Against Myths, where they make vases.

World of Antiquity has a video or two about the mysterious "handbags". He has an explanation for Plato's Atlantis story. The GREAT PYRAMID Number Magic is an interesting video about math and measurements in alternate archeology. And there is a video where someone has a theory about how the stone work was done in Peru.


Fundamental Objections To Graham Hancock

Stefan Milo(savljevich) has something to say. Thersites the Historian channel is more vicious, referring to Mr. Hancock as a grifter.


The academic discussion is .. well, it's not zippy and fun, at least not the way alternate archeology is. The alternate archeology is interesting, pleasant, even relaxing. I get it; I've been there. Civilisation is not going to collapse if people believe the alternate archeology. But you should get information from people who have standards.