When I was young I saw an article in Macleans magazine about this Masquerade book. I was very impressed. It had a picture, must have been that picture, of the rabbit.
The prize was all kinds of good; classy, pretty, animals, cute, also valuable. It's actually small.
Rabbits/hares seem to be a natural part of treasure hunts ("Follow the white rabbit").
Using art as part of the mystery was nice, plus some cryptic writing to figure out. Even the title of the book was attractive.
This gave me, not only a lifelong fondness toward treasure hunts, but treasure hunts with these features.
crypto millionaire makes treasure hunt /
Physical bitcoin? I didn't know they exist. I've pondered collectable cards as prizes, but that doesn't quite work for me. This man got prizes for different generations, which is thoughtful.
It's under the big W.
These treasure hunts start off being wondrous and fun, but can have regrettable outcomes.
Nice presentation. Still mostly secret.
Solving a 19th-century cipher leads to gold treasure that will make you rich. Not a game.
There have been more than one movie about treasure hunts.
On the Trail of the Golden Owl. Fake clues? On l'a trouvé.
For more, you could look at "Finding the Treasure of the Golden Owl".
I wonder what they do with word/letter games in French, with the accents.
Could I make one of these?
Pro: I've been making treasure hunts since I was a kid. A Christmas treasure hunt is being done again this year.
Con: A treasure hunt like above is a different beast, different presentation, geography, timeframe and prize. I couldn't do that.
I've never read a treasure hunt book, so it's kind of terra incognita. I think urban, not bush.
Jon Collins-Black has made a book with a treasure hunt, leading to treasure hidden in five states. So what could it be like if we did something like that in Canada?
Get five designers/writers, each one making a treasure hunt for one of the five regions of Canada's provinces. Five writers independently take their own distinct approach to the puzzle, presentation and treasure, all winding up
in the same book.
Five writers, each one making a treasure hunt for one of the five regions of Canada's provinces (mountains, prairies, Ontario, Quebec, maritimes). This can be sliced and diced different ways.
The territories - cold, underpopulated, huge, remote, cold - are kind of yes, kind of no.
One treasure hunt per region. |
One treasure per region. Plus a sixth somewhere in Canada. An advantage is people in the mountains will not give up once the mountains one is found. |
Five treasures located .. nobody knows until they are solved. Will there be three in Ontario? |
One treasure per province is very satisfying, although ambitious. Maybe one for all the territories too. |
(Sigh) One treasure per region. Plus five more treasures in unspecified provinces. |
French would be more than welcome, even on the cover of the book. (Apparently the Latin word for treasure is thesaurus).
The Maritimes seems like a nice place for a treasure hunt. In fact, Nova Scotia is where the mysterious Oak Island treasure is. An advantage of this book is it would get Canadians to explore their own country.
Can you picture letters from this alphabet hidden in a drawing?
It would be nice if each treasure hunt had a different approach. One just writing, story or poem. One with an emphasis on art. Cipher. You get the principle anyway.
What's inside?
I could go on and on about treasure possibilities. So I will. Because I can. Here are broad categories:
Loonies. You want an x-marks-the-spot treasure chest with coins? There you go. |
Holy Grail. Something worth a good amount of money, preferably something charismatic, a conversation piece. |
Trinkets. Miscellaneous items, things you've encountered on the net or in life that you think will bring happiness or fit the package. Wide open possibilities. Subjective. |
Tickets and gift cards. |
Consumables are unfortunately a no because of storage conditions. |
Loonies image search. It's easy to portray coins in a chest, but a treasure chest with coins is a treasure chest full of metal; very heavy.
Holy Grail unless I can think of a better term. I note that the arctic has diamonds. A giga pearl exists, with an interesting presentation. Cryptocurrency, in the form of a physical coin.
A rare collectable card. Game Rant The Gamer That One Ring was found in Ontario. Magic: The Gathering is not the only collectable card game out there.
This is about the size of the palm of your hand. Worth CAD $30,000.
Kraft plunked this in a random (heavy?) box of macaroni and cheese, known as Kraft Dinner, in Canada.
This is a mix of attractive and silly. It is plain.
The marketing people had social media people take temporary possession of this. One person took it on a helicopter ride.
Trinkets. Jewellery works in a number of ways. Craft, art. Book. Game. Whatever floats your boat. (Japanese) CMY cube. Trinkets might make it look more like a garage sale than a classy treasure chest. Casino chips? DVDs?
Aesthetics, Packages and Themes:
An amber/gold look. A subset of these items: loonies, gold macaroni, maple ice wine candies, honey, honey mead, amber.
Brass items like the mercator knife. Fancy bottle of maple syrup (shrugs shoulders).
Toonies and a diamond have some arctic flair, at least as I see it. A silvery icy look.
One year they made some toonies with glow-in-the-dark aurora borealis.
Just coins, of one sort or another.
Just cards, paper. Money bills, tickets, gift cards, collectable cards. Small.
Hidden Gems is a nice name for a treasure hunt. The prize could be hidden gems.
Bit coin and bat coin. Hmm.. Mini treasure chest.
Ukrainian Easter eggs, a little bowl of them, look impressive. Put together with charity, and straight cash, and put it in the prairies? ... Easter egg hunt.
How about a Chinese-themed treasure hunt leading to nine dragons, nine tiny gold coins (look it up)? Very cute anyway.
Just a set of trinkets. Mixed feelings about that.
Your classic pirate/D & D/Tolkien treasure chest with coins and some glittering items is good, pretty, also expected, although there are alternatives. Could we somehow have the treasure chest and the trinkets semi separate? For example, the arctic diamond and
toonies in a chest, but the arctic boardgame Nunami is outside the chest.
It's nice to have a prize that's worth a lot because it will lead to buzz, excitement going through Canadian society.
I wouldn't mind being a . . sheepdog for this project. I'm also getting more optimistic about being able to design my own treasure hunt.
And .. zziiip! I made much of a treasure hunt, fast. It provides keys to solve a cipher.
Not sure where the treasure would go though.
Let's start to talk more real world:
Hypothetical. The working title is Thesaurus Canada. That might be an unhelpful title, particularly on the spine of the book.
The territories are explicitly out. Too many problems. People die doing these hunts.
Five designers making five to ten, let's say eight treasure hunts. When you consider that The Secret had twelve separate treasures all organised by one designer, you can understand why it's so darn hard to nail down this number. How much would be in French? All very hypothetical anyway. And here's another twist: sequel books. "They found the one in Quebec already."
The floor value of a treasure is $1-2k, unless we're doing the set of trinkets. The maximum value is $31,000.
The average value is, uh, $8-9k, inversely proportional to the number of treasures. The median mode would be, I don't know, $2.5-3k. I think I'll put you in charge of getting the financing. There might be some corporate support, like that gold macaroni. Your idea of a lot of money might be very different from mine.
Take 2: Forget "a miracle happens" corporate sponsorship. Each prize will be around five grand. The amount will vary. The issue of which hunt gets which amount is complicated, but it makes sense to have the prize amount tied to the difficulty of the hunt.
I'm skeptical of cryptocurrency. On the other hand, each designer can do what he wants. Having a choice of sport for season tickets is probably too messy, so no. Note that winners may want to be anonymous.
How big is the book? A coffee table book? I prefer smallish. The cover of the book could have a map of the country, one or multiple classic treasure chest, something natural, or ten provincial coat of arms. I like a helicopter shot of a snowy neighbourhood, kind of cookie cutter. There might be a role for the gold macaroni. You can't lose with Lake Louise.
There could be even more cloak and dagger than you think. There are the related matters of secrecy and people not wanting to be harassed. Listen to a few seconds of this. Also computer hacking.
If I actually managed to corral five designers, I would keep things cagey, distant at first, for two separate reasons. One is to encourage people to go down their own distinct path for how to design their hunt. It's good for creativity. The other is for secrecy, like above. If someone talks to any one designer, all the tricks and locations will not be known.
On the other hand, the group would have reasons to talk with each other, over time. Ideas could be shared. Somebody might be good at making puzzles, but not boots on the ground. A designer may want help with artists, treasure, or language. The puzzles could be evaluated.
A treasure hunt should not be too easy because it would get solved right away, players would no longer have a challenge, and books would not be bought. A treasure hunt should not be too hard because players would be frustrated and put off, urban areas get redeveloped over time, and designers die. That's an advantage to having a variety of treasure hunts.
Canada has snow, and seasons.
There will be some tension between population and territory/provinces. There are reasons to involve the different regions. However, readers/searchers and, more importantly, designers will be in the more populous provinces. Ontario has 16 million, almost 40% of Canada's 40 million. Meanwhile the four Maritime provinces have a total of 1.9 million people. Do you know any credible treasure hunt designers in New Brunswick? Random province by population.
With multiple designers contributing to a book, designers shouldn't expect to make a lot of money.
Five or so designers making five to ten, let's say eight treasure hunts.
The real issue is how to find designers and how to evaluate them.
Picture what it would be like if one person, Ralph, made a published treasure hunt. Ralph is excited, full of ideas and purpose. Ralph has no need to worry about how serious Ralph is about this. Ralph is largely in control. Although Ralph has a biased, limited perspective, he knows how good his hunt is. There would be no need to share his vital secrets with Tom, Dick and Harry. Ralph is not going to do something shady with the treasure because no. Above all, Ralph would not need to corral and deal with designers from far-flung parts of the country. The publisher would deal with him, and he gets the money.
But this is different.
Things to do:
Figure out how excited I am by this. Think of that book. Mmm.. |
Consider a dedicated website. Consider the timing of a website. |
Research how getting a book published works. |
Figure out ways to reach prospective designers. |
Reach prospective designers. |
Evaluate designers, how good they are or at least how serious they are. Lord knows how. |
Things have gone wrong with other treasure hunts. At least list some issues to watch out for, to discuss. Treasure placement parameters. |
Make my own treasure hunt. On paper this is a secondary goal. |
Everyone makes their product. |
Submit it all to publishers. |
So who should apply to be a treasure hunt designer? A person in Canada who has already created and implemented a treasure hunt with this kind of scale. But this is unikely.
Individuals can bring something to the table - but not all things. There are the geographical considerations. Somebody has to do French*. Various puzzly things, including treasure hunts. Experience with escape rooms and video game puzzles is good (both outside my experience). Doing - either designing or solving - the classic word puzzles. Being a writer, doing fiction (mystery?), nonfiction or even poetry, might be useful. Some people are knowledgeable, able and willing boots on the ground, travellers. Knowing about ciphers is preferable to not knowing about ciphers. Having a different approach to the treasure hunt may be useful. Being or having an artist is good. Knowing about Canadiana, really all kinds of interests and perspectives, can be useful. Even just being excited, serious and dependable by itself can be good.
I picture each designer being responsible for every aspect of his own hunt. At the same time there is a supportive team to help out with weaknesses and questions and quality control.
* The rule is minimum one treasure hunt in Quebec, and minimum one in French. Probably the same thing.
You know, the types of people to solve the hunts is almost a mirror of this.
Solve is a verb. The noun is solution.
So what's the story with the word "thesaurus"?
Mysterious Writings / list of treasure hunts
Credit to Jenny Kile for putting this together.
Treasure hunts come in different forms.
There have been several treasure hunt books in the U.S.A. Britain and France too. But not Canada as far as I know. The country is spread out.
There is a community of treasure hunters online, as well as real life as you can see. They're a detail-oriented bunch. It's fun, community, some walking around outside.
I came across silver coins at Canada Post. Nice looking, maple leaf, CAD $60-70. Here if you're interested.
I'm partial to the half dollars, coat of arms. By the way, this is the first time in my long life that the queen is no longer on the coin, replaced by her son.
One treasure hunt with a set of classic puzzles, mostly word/letter puzzles. Lower complexity - no crazy thinking outside the box - but higher quantity, with each puzzle adding a letter or two. This appeals to me, people would find this approachable, and it is different. Grandma, Ned, and little Sally can help out. In the real world this by itself would not work in a proper published treasure hunt book. Sudoku, word search, cryptogram, crossword puzzle. An easier cipher.
You know .. we could have an easier treasure hunt, and the prize is a treasure chest set of trinkets, special items chosen by the designers.
This may open the door to consumables.
I'm warming to the idea of one easy pickings treasure hunt per book, with a less valuable but interesting prize. What would be in the prize pack for the "Night on the Town" hunt?
Charity could find a role in the prizes.
A murder mystery. The suspects are Victoria, Albert, Winnie, John, Charlotte, Brandon, Fred. Which person is the one?
Well that's grim. There's also Einstein's fish. More cleanly logical, for better or worse.
The Voynich Manuscript, where weird symbols are words. I doubt that would work.
I hope there's enough material to fill a book. I hope somebody writes a big story.
I think of this as not a book but a small series of books. One treasure hunt could have Chinese writing. It's not so much a matter of the code, but a treasure hunt that bends toward the Chinese Canadian audience.
Think of how that would look. For the prize, how about nine dragons, nine tiny gold coins (look it up)? Very cute anyway.
For "trinkets" treasure, here's a twist: corporate sponsorship. Valuable stuff at no cost to the publisher. Canadian Tire gift cards come to my mind.
Still wondering what to do for a night out on the town prize. I would be inclined to toss in casino chips. As always, money will bring a certain smile.
Small, cards and such.
Or a more indoor, cosy cabin prize. I'd toss in an entry or two for Silver Hoard. Book, art/craft, boardgame.
Has anyone thought of making a comic for a treasure hunt?
A jigsaw puzzle feels good for a treasure hunt. But no, not in a book anyway. Could be used for a proxy prize "Go to safety deposit box 672".