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Date Square:


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Orthogonal moves as far as you want. Move to later dates, remove the squares from where you came. Last player to move wins.

That was a whole lot of work. The pieces are thumbtacks with the metal snipped and filed off. The butter knife is needed.

date square Canadian snacks




Not many orthognal twelves with those randomly-placed dice.

Q: Is it just a coincidence that the dice fit in the holes perfectly?

A: Yes. These are dollar store dice, which I think are a little smaller.

The construction is 90% done. You can see the problems that were being solved here. The frame is fine (if we conveniently ignore the corner that doesn't want to be glued). But now that the frame is done .. why not put a floor under it? A reason had been that the popsicle sticks will have gaps between them. Something to look into. It's nice to be able to move the board with pieces from one place to another.

Oak Games tournament is in the library here. Now we can explore tangents, themes.

So a tournament with a U.S.A. theme. What would the prize pack be?


Game night.

Make a game with that.



A game from the Gambia. One way that yoté is different is the 6 x 5 layout.

More coming from this fellow. He has an old-fashioned perspective and a fondness for simplicity and abstraction.

Choko: A Traditional Gambian Board Game

Now I'm more confused.

Here is a tight explanation. This site in Mumbai sells it.


Language, Culture and Geography


MIT Study Reveals Why Africa Is Still Poor

An explanation of why Africa is the way it is, starting with geography.

Then again, Soma's Academy has How Economics Explained Gets African History Wrong, which I encourage you to watch.


Africa 101 last tribes


The Calgary Stampede




Barbara Frum inducted into CBC News Hall of Fame

Barbara Frum was a well-known radio and television host for Canadians of a certain age.




Belarusian special forces


Food and Drink



Oat cookies from Moldova. Watch out for the brand name Frazeluta. I got them just for the novelty, but it turns out I and others like them, and I've got them a few times from Safeway. I don't even normally like cookies.



Q: William McKinley was the president of the U.S.A.

Who was his vice president?

A: Theodore Roosevelt.


Q: (Burma/)Myanmar is landlocked.

True or false?

