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Treasure Hunts


Treasure Hunts


The treasure hunt material is above, not going anywhere. New and extra material will go below.


Let's start to talk more real world:


Five designers making five to ten, let's say eight treasure hunts.

The real issue is how to find, and, even trickier, how to evaluate designers.




Viking locks

This will be replaced with an incremental, more readable approach.




Attention has been tested and tweaked. It's good.


Food and Drink


That had a punch of flavour. Even the purple box is zingy. Turks refer to Turkish delight as lokum/lokoom.


Music, Film, and Television


Programarama and A.I. trailers will not be around forever (and Debbie Reynolds needs fixing). Programarama broke the dweebometer, and A.I. trailers is A.I.

Programarama may come back, in some form or other. If you could could provide 25 episodes to someone, or to yourself in an alternate universe, what would they be?

"Concatenating nice clips, bits of movies and shows is fascinating, but will have to wait for another day."

There's that too. I looked into that a couple of decades ago.


Julie Kavner on Taxi / more

You could look into "4-5-87 Simpsons live action preview Dan Castellaneta & Julie Kavner"


She was on the show Rhoda from '74-79. One of several offshoots from The Mary Tyler Moore Show.




"Everyone I know has a big butt."

Which movie is this from?





Nunavut coat of arms

